Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a widespread and adaptable plant commonly grown in gardens for its showy flowers and resistance to deer, rabbits and disease. Here in Oregon we have a locally native variant called Western Yarrow (Achillea millefolium var. Occidentalis) which often has aromatic ferny blue leaves. It is well adapted to our local climate and performs better in the full blazing sun without supplemental water than many of the garden varieties which may need the occasional drink. The flat (umbel) shaped clusters of white flowers attract a wide variety of native bees and butterflies to your garden from July into the Fall. It’s the perfect plant for that troublesome hot and sunny spot in your garden with added benefits to wildlife.

Size: 18"-36" tall x 12"-24" wide
Light: Full Sun - Part Sun
USDA Zone: 3a-10b