Euonymus occidentalis is an uncommon native shrub west of the Cascades in Oregon and Washington. It also occurs in Northern California and on Vancouver Island, BC. It occurs in moist woodlands usually near water, however, it can handle some drought when planted in more shade. Deciduous leaves are elliptical in shape and medium green. Small 1/4” strange but interesting burgundy red flowers appear in spring and sometimes a reddish orange fruit appears. This plant is mildly toxic to humans and pets but unlikely to be ingested in the larger amounts necessary to cause problems. A great collectors plant that is rare both in the wild and in gardens.

Size: 6-8’ tall x 8-12’ wide
Light: Sun-Shade
USDA Zone: 7-9

Regular water in sun, less required in shade.

Fairly drought tolerant when planted in shade with water needs increasing when planted in more sun where it will be more floriferous. Fertilize sparingly to keep growth of this large shrub or small tree in check. With age this plant can reach up to 20’x20’ but like most Euonymus it is very amenable to pruning for size maintenance.