At first glance Sticky Cinquefoil may not be the showiest wildflower but its delicate yellow flowers will adorn your garden from April to September making it one of our longest blooming native perennials. This strawberry relative in the Rose (Rosaceae) family provides nectar for a wide variety of native bees, some of which specialize on Drymocallis and its close relatives. Drought-tolerant and easy to care for, Sticky Cinquefoil is an excellent choice for adding beauty and resilience to your garden, while also attracting pollinators. In your garden place it where it will get full sun or part shade. while it will do just fine without water, if you give it an occasional soak in the summer it may increase and extend blooming.

Size: 12"-24" tall x 10"-16" wide
Light: Full Sun - Part Sun
USDA Zone: 6a-10b