Douglas Spirea (Spiraea douglasii) is a small to medium sized deciduous shrub native from Alaska to Northern California and is very common in Oregon. It is often seen in roadside ditches in rural areas as well as along the edges of wetlands, streams and lakes in the wild. In the garden it does well in wet locations such as rain gardens or low spots, however it is also adaptable to drier areas and can be drought tolerant when planted in a site with afternoon shade. Keep in mind it readily spreads from rhizomes and if not maintained can eventually spread into a thicket and can overtake other desirable plants so it is best with room to grow or regular size maintenance. Will spread less in drier soil conditions. It's 3-6" pink/purple flower spikes appear in mid-summer and will attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies and provides excellent cover for native birds such as Wrens and Sparrows.
Size: 6'-10' tall x 5'-6' wide
Light: Sun - Shade
USDA Zone: 5a-10b